Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Master Builders Association of Victoria Excellence in Construction Awards 2006

Here are a series of short articles with descriptions of the constructions that won awards last year. I find the Evironmentally Sustainable Design by Lyons architects to be particularly useful as it is always great to see that ESD doesnt have to come at the cost of bad aethetics.

In terms of the construction process, the widening of the Melbourne Airports runway is interesting in terms of them developing a heavy machine that both spreads the concrete as well as vibrates it. This eliviating manual labour and imperfections.

I also was lucky enough to do a little work experience with a guy called Steve Davies who works for ARM. This was at the time when Melbourne Central was at the beginnings of the demolition/construction stage. He spoke a lot about the process that they took to get the building up and running and the ideas that they were trying to achieve. The massive overhangs that you see in the picture was based on a box opening and closing. Simple idea but very effective.

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